UK Packaging EPR.
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We are a B Corp

We're proud to be a certified B Corporation.

As part of a global movement reinventing business to define success beyond profit, we have made a legal commitment to equally pursue beneficially impacting the planet and people, alongside profit.

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Government publish packaging EPR ‘illustrative’ Disposal Fees

On the 15th of August 2024, Defra published the highly anticipated ‘illustrative’ disposal fees which intend to give producers an approximation of the disposal fees which will be charged in 2025, based on the tonnage of packaging placed on the market in 2024. 

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Circular PSP - making circular economy happen!

In April 2024, Beyondly started working with digital product innovation partner Supercharge on Phase 1 of a research & development (R&D) project for the EU horizon, funded CircularPSP project.

Confidence in all environmental choices. Expertise, education, empowerment.

We are a B Corp environmental consultancy and compliance scheme, sharing our knowledge with businesses to help them become more confident about their environmental choices; from compliance obligations, contributing to a circular economy, and going beyond net zero.

At the heart of Beyondly is our planet. We strive to preserve and protect our home, not just for today, but also for tomorrow.

Beyondly news, impact and action!

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Our purpose and vision

We lead, inspire and educate to positively impact society and the environment.

Our vision is to create a better, fairer, sustainable world for all.


Our Values

Our 5 core values; Trust, Commitment, Respect, Passion and Innovation, are the pulse of our daily lives at Beyondly and are embedded into everything we do...

Copy Of Better Business Strategy (2)
Summer Shoot 049 Diane Emma W Smaller Beyondly James Emilyb Summer Shoot 033 Smaller

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